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Automatic Caching with Query

A query is used to cache single asynchronous requests in a unified and consistent way. The simplest form of a query is shown below. No global configuration is needed, although possible.

final query = Query(
key: "my_data",
initialData: "Pre-populated data",
queryFn: () => api.getData(),

Each Query must have a queryFn. This is an asynchronous function that can return any custom or built in type. The return value of the queryFn will be cached.

A query must be given a unique key which can be any json serializable value. Each unique key will create a new query in the cache. Initial data can be passed to the query. On the first request this initial data will be emitted as part of the state rather than null. Any global query configuration can be overridden when instantiating a new query. See configuration for more details.

Each query can be updated using Query.update. This change will be emitted to any listening query. For more information on updating a query see optimistic updates

Query State

QueryState is the object containing the current state of the query. It holds the data returned from the queryFn along with the current status of the query (loading, success, error, initial), the time of the last fetch and any errors throw in the fetch.

final state = query.state;
final isLoading = state.status == QueryStatus.loading;
final data =;

A query can only hold one future at a time. This is so that the result can be requested from many places at once but only one call to the queryFn will be made. A query will not invoke the queryFn until one of two things is used:

  1. The result is requested via the future Query.result
  2. A listener is added to the query stream.

Query Stream

Each query manages its own stream controller. Streams enable a query to display currently existing data while fetching new data in the background. When the new data is ready it will be emitted. A query stream will also emit any time the state of the query is changed, this is useful for mutations and optimistic updates.

final query = Query(key: "my_data", queryFn: () => api.getData()); {
if(state.status == QueryStatus.loading){
// show loading spinner
if( != null){
// update ui to show the data.

Query Result

Query.result is a quick and easy way to request the result of a queryFn. It returns QueryState once the queryFn has completed. For the full benefits of Cached Query use the stream api.

final query = Query(key: "my_data", queryFn: () => api.getData());

final queryState = await query.result;

There are a few downsides to using a query this way. The future always completes after the queryFn has completed. If the data is stale then nothing will show until fresh data is available, meaning you are not getting the benefits of background fetches.

As the Queries use streams to detect how many listeners they have left, using Query.result never adds a listener to the query. So, when the future is requested the cache duration timer is started immediately if there are no other listeners attached.

Error Handling

If a query, infinite query or a mutation throws an error or exception it will be caught and the current state will be updated with the error.

Side Effects

There are two side effects that can be passed to a query.

  • onSuccess - This is called after the query function succeeds but before the query state is updated.
  • onError - This is called if the query function fails but before the query state is updated.
final query = Query<String>(
key: "onSuccess",
onSuccess: (dynamic r) {
// do something with the response
onError: (dynamic e){
// do something with the error
queryFn: () async {